Holy Spirit, You are the fire that the risen Jesus lit on the earth to reveal the boundless love of the Father..
Burn today in the hearts of young people so that leaving everything to follow Christ, they might discover the true joy of the disciples.
Send them into the silence of the desert, as passionate seekers of the living God.
You Jesus, who were sent into the world, send them beyond frontiers as witnesses filled with missionary zeal, men and women with an apostolic heart.
Support our faith and boldness for your Kingdom in Africa, wherever we are. Strengthen our communion through our cultural diversity, so that it might be a sign of your love without limits.
You Jesus, who were sent into the world, awaken in the hearts of many young women the desire to commit themselves, joyful and confident in the footsteps of Cardinal Lavigerie and Mother Marie-Salome.
Give these young people the courage to answer the call of the Father and of the Church.
May Mary, the humble servant of the Lord accompany them on this path of light and life.
Prayer composed by Sr. Madeleine, Canadian