Daily Archives: August 30, 2016

jubilé 2016

Women apostles for Africa since 70, 65, 60 and 50 years!       “Today, together with our sisters in the Netherlands – Boxtel, we are grateful to God for His uncountable graces. In a special way, for the gift of religious vocation and faithfulness of our sisters who have celebrated their jubilees and to whom we are saying “congratulations”! 70 years of religious life – Sr. Wil Hansen, 65 years of religious life – Sisters Angela Brekelmans, Tonnie de Bekker and Annnie de Groot 60 years of religious life: – Sisters: Marianne Kemmeren, Theresia Brattinga, Bertie Lintsen and Greet de Vries 50 years of religious life – Sr. Marie MacDonald   A decoration for our sisters : To our great surprise, the Mayer of Boxtel, Mr. Mark Buijs, came not only to congratulate our sisters for their jubilees, but also to thank our sisters who, after 20 to 50…

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