In this difficult time, we decided to celebrate the Integrity of Creation by taking special care of our garden in Dar es Salaam. The climate is dry, the soil is poor, and because of the heat, the plants and flowers need a lot of water and special care.
Our Sister Cecylia Bachalska who is responsible for our garden invested many hours of work in order to improve it. Her passion and knowledge gave fruit and the quality and quantity of flowers and plants increased. We had the pleasure to see that consequently, the fauna also increased and now it is visible and audible in the number of birds, butterflies and other small animals.
We share with you some photos of the most beautiful areas in our garden. This is a photo taken from our veranda up and shows a beautiful view in front of our entrance gate.
In this other photo, we see Sr. Cecylia who teaches Idritha our gardener, how to prune a tree so that it gives more shade, like an umbrella. Idritha is very grateful for all what he has learned from Cecylia. This is a good training for him and he will surely profit in the future from all that he learned here.
Integrity of Creation starts at home and many visitors admire our garden, take example of it, and are encouraged to take care of their own. We are happy to share our enthusiasm and knowledge.
We thank our loving God for His marvellous creation, which gives joy to our eyes and to our hearts. We thank as well our sister Cecylia who shares with us generously her gift from God to take care of our garden.