Sr Valérie participated in the Zoom meeting on sisters’ commitment against human trafficking. It was an enriching experience. She summarized it for the other sisters at the weekly community meeting. This opened up a long discussion on the local situations here in Algeria.
We mentioned the situation of some former residents of the Dar Essalem Center, for the most vulnerable migrants, where Sr Hortensia Sizalande is in charge and the “reappearance” of migrants from Niger. In recent months, we have witnessed many scenes of begging in the streets. They are women, teenagers, old men and especially young children reaching out to passers-by and drivers. It’s really pitiful! Where do these people come from, knowing that the borders are closed? Were they there before containment? Where do they stay? We have many questions. We feel powerless in the face of this situation: ignorance of the language (Hausa), painful experiences of expulsion of members of the Church, reality of the country…
Hydra White Sisters community (Algeria)