After the Novitiate, by their first religious profession, the young professed become members of our religious family.
They received the cross, which explains two meanings:
• The great love of Christ for them and for all of us. The acceptance of the cross expresses their free choice to follow and walk each day in the footsteps of Christ.
• Their belonging to the religious family of the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa, which they have freely chosen.
During the offertory procession, the four young sisters presented to the Lord four symbols:
Bread and wine: so that their lives may be an offering, pleasing to God at all times.
The “canary” (an earthen vessel filled with water): symbolizes the life received and given freely from the Lord as their lives to the service of their brothers and sisters.
The map of Africa: symbolizes the place of our mission in Africa and with the African people wherever they are.
Flowers: symbolize the interculturality and internationality of our communities as a sign of universality.
Towards the end of the Mass, Sister Natanek Celina, one of the leaders of the North and West Africa Entity, on behalf of the Superior General, sent Sister Elyse Uwanyirigira to Mauritania, Sister Eunice Kyohairwe to Malawi, Sister Joselyne Nisingizwe to Chad and Sister Xaverine Mukatabaza to Kenya.
This sending explains that we are dedicated to the Evangelization of the African peoples so that they know Christ and announce him in turn.
Sr. Furaha Kamanyula Jeannette
The day of March 25, 2022 in the eyes of two novices
This was a beautiful day for all of us because four of our sisters, Elyse, Eunice, Joselyne and Xaverine, said their first “Yes” in following Christ. I will share two moments regarding this beautiful celebration.
First, the mass was celebrated by Father Manu, novice master of the Missionaries of Africa of Bobo Dioulasso, the gospel was on the Annunciation (Lk 1:26-38) and I liked the homily because it touched me. The Father compared the vocation of Mary with three symbols: that of an infant who does not know where he is going, it is his mother who is always with him, to watch over him and help him. Then Mary’s vocation resembles that of a blind man who does not know where to go. Finally, Mary’s vocation resembles clay in the hand of a potter. These three symbols have a link with the vocation of each one. Personally, I found that it joined my vocation.
The commitment of our sisters touched me. They said “yes” to follow Christ in obedience, poverty and chastity. I loved their gift of themselves, they gave up everything; to go to a country they do not know in order to witness God’s tireless love for everyone. It let me know that God’s field is so big and He needs workers to work in it.
Today was a great day for me. I give thanks to God for having favoured our Congregation through these four commitments and I continue to entrust to him all the young people on the journey, asking him for his grace for them so that they can make a discernment according to his will.
Sylviane Rouamba, Novice
March 25 was a great day for us, full of happiness, encounters and joy. Despite the fatigue, our joy was immense and bears witness to the presence of God among us and within us. Our prayer is that through the intersession of the Virgin Mary and our dear sister Marie Salomé, especially on the occasion of her 175th birthday, our congregation may attract many girls so that each year we still have professed sisters who are free and available to collaborate in the mission of Christ.
Neema Kyuma, Novice