Daily Archives: May 7, 2023

  On Thursday May 4th each working group chose its name in relation with nature. The names chosen were: breath of life, source, mango tree, Monarch butterfly and olive light. The groups worked at choosing the themes that will be worked on during the chapter.   The “Butterfly organic model” will be used during the Chapter as a main model of discernment. This model invites us to focus on the present moment. The desired individual and organizational transformation starts with the lived experience of the Chapter. It provides a framework for broad exploration by making conscious connections between the present moment–where information resides, our past experiences and the desired future. It aims at sustainable solutions. The Co-Facilitators, Yago and Selina, presented to the Capitulants the “Butterfly Framework” and explained how it was going to be used as a tool that would support transformation processes and the implications (consequences that unfold…

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