Our new General Council
The new General Council: Sr Angela Nemilaki Kapitingana, Tanzania (Superior General) Sr Jeanne d’Arc Ouattara, Burkin Faso (Assistant General) Sr Leticia Garduño, Mexico(Assistant General) Sr Małgorzata (Gosia) Popławka, Poland(Assistant General) Sr. Angela Kapitingana, new MSOLA Superior GeneralSr. Angela Nemilaki Kapitingana (Superior General) I was born on 5th January 1969, of Tanzanian nationality. I started my religious formation with the MSOLA in Mwanga –Singida (Tanzania) in 1991. I joined the postulate in Arusha in 1992-1993. I had two years of apostolic experience in Mufulira (Zambia); then I joined the novitiate in 1996. I made my first profession in Arusha on 25th March 1998 and my final vows on 25th September 2005 in Arusha. I have lived my mission in Mufulira (Zambia), in Kisubi (Uganda) and then in Arusha (Tanzania) as formator at the postulate. Then I was sent to South B, in Nairobi (Kenya), to Kigali (Rwanda), and to…
Day 16 – Dealing with the past and moving forward
The present moment of the chapter is seen as new life but, like it happens in the seed, the splitting of the seed-shell is painful. We all carry this new life within us, but also the pain of letting go. We need a lot of compassion and patience in our hearts, feeling responsible for one another as we live this painful moment with compassion and respect. Each one of us is responsible for the new MSOLA plant that is developing. As in the Ninfa Garden we visited yesterday, where something new has been built on the ruins of the past, in the MSOLA congregation too, each generation is adding something to the present garden. Today, we need to add our newness to the congregation. The difficulty we had with the technology at the beginning of the prayer showed us that even if things have been well prepared, any…