The present moment of the chapter is seen as new life but, like it happens in the seed, the splitting of the seed-shell is painful. We all carry this new life within us, but also the pain of letting go. We need a lot of compassion and patience in our hearts, feeling responsible for one another as we live this painful moment with compassion and respect. Each one of us is responsible for the new MSOLA plant that is developing.
As in the Ninfa Garden we visited yesterday, where something new has been built on the ruins of the past, in the MSOLA congregation too, each generation is adding something to the present garden. Today, we need to add our newness to the congregation.
The difficulty we had with the technology at the beginning of the prayer showed us that even if things have been well prepared, any process can become a struggle and we must navigate through its complexity if we want to move forward.
The plan for the whole week had been presented. The work of today was collaboration, structures and mission.
In this last stage of the chapter, collaboration is crucial to finish everything the capitulants want to do. For that, they will have to stretch themselves and work in a spirit of collaboration.
The chapter experience is living the here and now. The present moment is the only real time that exists. It is from the present we are living that we are processing our past and preparing the future that is emerging. We can process the inner state of the MSOLA congregation from where structures and quality of relationships are developing.
Fr. Dave in his reflection to end the day saw the transformation present in the MSOLA in our form of leadership. “I see 3 things from the discussion of this morning: deep listening (to what is said and to what is not said; to the present and to the past). This must be accompanied by discernment. In all the voices heard, we must look at what God is doing and what God is saying. All this in order to be able to move forward. This afternoon you spoke about your determination to create a culture of collaboration. There will be challenges, but I sense you are women standing upright, conscious of your dignity, able to speak with respect and in truth. You do not speak down to anyone and you do not let anyone speak down to others. You speak in that atmosphere of respect, because we are all sons and daughters of God, and so at an equal level which comes from God. The transformation I perceive, is also the culture of reconciliation. This is a readiness to recognize past hurts in a non-aggressive way because we need to move forward. Yes, deal with the past and move forward! It is there that the Spirit of the Lord is leading you.”