How we experienced union with the capitulants at the General Chapter
By our sister Birgitta Gremm in Nairobi, Kenya During our 26th General Chapter we lived in deep union with our sisters gathered at Sacrofano. This deeply lived union had begun already with the Convocation Letter, written on 2nd January 2023: “It is with a grateful heart that we call on each sister and each community to continue the road, which leads to our next General Chapter.” And it was with a grateful heart from our side having received this invitation and we answered it with gratitude and joy. Our union continued to be strengthened during our sharing about the questions asked in the Convocation Letter and in the sharing among the sisters of ECA Entity. The day came 28th of April, our first two sisters were ready to go to the airport and we waited for the other two sisters to leave later. When the suitcases had been loaded…