By our sister Birgitta Gremm in Nairobi, Kenya
During our 26th General Chapter we lived in deep union with our sisters gathered at Sacrofano. This deeply lived union had begun already with the Convocation Letter, written on 2nd January 2023: “It is with a grateful heart that we call on each sister and each community to continue the road, which leads to our next General Chapter.”
And it was with a grateful heart from our side having received this invitation and we answered it with gratitude and joy. Our union continued to be strengthened during our sharing about the questions asked in the Convocation Letter and in the sharing among the sisters of ECA Entity.
The day came 28th of April, our first two sisters were ready to go to the airport and we waited for the other two sisters to leave later. When the suitcases had been loaded into the car our Sr. Angela Kapitingana tuned spontaneously into the Song “SANCTA MARIA” and we said a prayer for a good and safe journey for all our sisters.
On the 30th of April, the Feast of Our Lady of Africa we were united in a special way. It was the opening day of our chapter and we sisters in Nairobi celebrated Our Lady of Africa together with our brothers Missionaries of Africa at Balozi. Fr. Aloysius Ssekamate was the Main Celebrant and prayed in a special way for all our sisters gathered for the 26th General Chapter at Sacrofano, near Rome. Fr. Aloysius prayed through the Intercession of Our Lady of Africa that the Holy Spirit may lead and guide our sisters throughout the General Chapter.
In our evening prayer we continued to carry our sisters near to God and especially near to the Holy Spirit asking for inspiration and that all our sisters and facilitators may be led into a deep discernment.
In Unity with our sisters all over the world we prayed the prayer for the 26th General Chapter. Thanks to our sister Begoña and her team we have been able to follow the daily events of the Chapter on WhatsApp and on our website. We followed attentively and with great interest the themes and articles which had been written every day. The very meaningful topics of reflection and sharing inspired us as well and one sister used them for her Recollection Day.
We have been delighted to read the testimony of our sister Carol and to see her on some photos during her sharing and on the group photo. “Carol we are happy that you belong to usa nd that you carry out our charism in a special way. Thank You, Carol.”
As the days went on, we eagerly awaited the result of the election of our new Superior General and her Team. The day we got to know who had been elected our new superior general, we rejoiced and celebrated and of course we rejoiced and celebrated again on the day when the new general assistant team had been elected.
Wholeheartedly we say “THANK YOU” to you, our new Team for your availability and we wish you all God´s grace and the guidance of the Holy Spirit for your new Mission.
With a heartfelt gratitude we say “THANK YOU” to you, our outgoing superior general Carmen and her general assistant team – Juliana, Mapendo and Maria Carmen and we wish you a blessed and fruitful new Mission wherever you may go.