From Sr. Margret Tovar, in Trier in Germany
On April 29, I arrived in Rome knowing that I would be the oldest delegate at the General Chapter. I felt hesitation, a little fear and a certain insecurity. From the beginning, I tried to remember the names of my younger sisters, unfortunately without much success.
At the opening of the Chapter, each was invited to a commitment, and mine was to listen with all my being, all my intelligence, all my heart.
I experienced day by day a transformation in myself and in all of us through respect and true and deep sharing. The times of silence, the fact of letting emotions come and appear without embarrassment, helped us to go further and to experience this transformation.
Working and sharing in a group favored this journey as well as the prayers and Eucharists so well prepared.
“At my age”, I am happy and grateful to have been able to make my contribution to enlarge our tent and give birth to a new creation.
A very great joy lives in me to have been able to participate in the election of our first African Superior General.
During this General Chapter, I was touched by the positive, important, very true, fearless and constructive contribution of our younger sisters. It was especially the two youngest of the group who introduced the request, the desire to deepen our charism through prayer and meditation.
This is my wish for them: You, my Sisters, are responsible for the future of the MSOLA. It is neither age (young/old) nor color (white/black) nor nationality that counts, but the fact of being sisters for one another, as Mother Marie-Salomé longed for !
Being rooted in Christ and witnessing in and as a community will awaken missionary vocations for which our “tent” is wide open.