A report from Sr. Lucy Nabweteme, Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa in Lublin, Poland
On the 24th of July we left Lublin, Poland for Portugal for the World Youth Day. We were 20 participants, with Fr. Mateusz Wójcik who was responsible for the group. We all set off for the pilgrimage with our personal desires or mission. Sr. Victoria Gaa and I were sent by our Congregation specifically to do Missionary Vocation Animation. I also had my personal desire which was to love the people I will meet and to go to Fatima.
On the 26th we arrived at Marco de Canaveses, in Porto diocese, where we spent four days. We were all touched by the love, care and generosity of the families that welcomed us. We were also very grateful for all the organisation that had been done at the parish to enable us to have a wonderful experience. Victoria and I were warmly received by the Family of Cândida, a mother of two sons.
We visited so many places, but I must say that the visit I will never forget was the pilgrimage to Fatima.
I got to know from my parents the story of the apparition in Fatima as child. I did not know that this happened in Portugal and that I will be there one day. I was filled with deep joy and gratitude to be there, to encounter so many pilgrims, to visit and pray in the different chapels and at the tomb of Lucia and Jacinta.
According to our founder Cardinal Charles Lavigerie, learning people’s language was one way to reach out and to be close to them. It is true that the knowledge of other languages helped us a lot in doing the animation. Many people were attracted to us when we spoke to them in their languages, English, French, Polish or Swahili. Collaborating with other people was also very helpful, for example a young woman from Equatorial Guinea offered to help us, not only to distribute our leaflets but also to invite young people to become missionary sisters or volunteers for Africa.
We were so delighted. We were also giving to the boys the website of the Missionaries of Africa. I remember one French girl who came back running towards us with her brother of about 15 years. It was so nice to hear to hear him telling us with enthusiasm, ‘I also want to be a Missionary’. Some girls were thanking us for what we were doing and many promised us that they will visit our website for more information.
The Lord taught me a lot during this experience. I would like to share one thing that touched me while following the 3 days ‘Rise up’ catechism that was organised for the polish people. In reference the theme of this 37th World Youth Day, ‘Mary arose and went with haste’ (Lk 1:39) one Bishop said that when we don’t feel like doing anything, when we don’t feel like going out to encounter others, we should invite the Holy Spirit to fill us with His light, courage and strength, like the way Mary did in her visit to Elizabeth. We have to invite the Holy Spirit to will us with its light, courage and strength.
I was also witnessed so many young people with values and this makes me feel that there’s hope for the church.
I also experienced the providence and care of the God. I compare an episode I experienced to the feeding of the crowds in the bible, whereby they were satisfied and there were even leftovers. On Saturday 6th, we went to spent the night at the place where were where going to have mass with the Pope. We all received food, and at the end of the ceremony many of us were returning the rest of the food to the volunteers for we had had more than what we needed.
The encounters with Pope Francis were quality moments. The excitement and joy of the crowds when they could see the pope physically was extraordinary. I was so touched that on Sunday, before mass, the pope passed in different places where we had slept, greeting and blessing us. In his homily during the Holy mass for the World Youth day, the pope referring to the Gospel of the feast of transfiguration, told us what to carry with us from the entire experience, ‘to shine, to listen, and to be unafraid’.
May Mary our mother who walked with us all along this pilgrimage pray especially for the young people not to be afraid to respond to God’s call.