Journey towards Integral Ecology
Sr Lucy in her garden Our older sisters in Germany show us the way towards Integral Ecology The Cologne-Klettenberg community continues to take small steps in our journey towards integral ecology: wasting neither water nor energy, for example, using the elevator with several people whenever possible, avoiding plastic waste, choosing meat-free menus, planting flowers that are useful for bees, collecting cigarette butts to protect the groundwater etc. As Jesus taught us, we believe in the power of small things. Although almost all of us are in our 80s and 90s, we can still take a few steps in the congregation’s journey towards Integral Ecology. Behind our house lies a small garden where we admire flowers and fruit trees all year round. Those of us with balconies create our own tiny gardens and we give preference to flowers that attract bees and other insects. Plates filled with water or seeds…