Tag Archives: Justice and Peace

Sr Lucy in her garden   Our older sisters in Germany show us the way towards Integral Ecology The Cologne-Klettenberg community continues to take small steps in our journey towards integral ecology: wasting neither water nor energy, for example, using the elevator with several people whenever possible, avoiding plastic waste, choosing meat-free menus, planting flowers that are useful for bees, collecting cigarette butts to protect the groundwater etc. As Jesus taught us, we believe in the power of small things. Although almost all of us are in our 80s and 90s, we can still take a few steps in the congregation’s journey towards Integral Ecology. Behind our house lies a small garden where we admire flowers and fruit trees all year round. Those of us with balconies create our own tiny gardens and we give preference to flowers that attract bees and other insects. Plates filled with water or seeds…

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On August 14, I took the road around 6:00 p.m. to go to Oran to participate in the week-long Taizé Tlemcen session. I arrived in Oran late at night to continue to Tlemcen in the morning. I was well received by our sisters in the community of Oran. On August 15, I went to Tlemcen with Sr. Jeanne d’Arc, Sr. Clémentine and a friend of our Sisters from the community of Oran. It was a great joy for me to be with them. We arrived in Tlemcen at noon and joined the others for the Eucharistic celebration. It was a beautiful celebration animated by good songs in different languages. It was only a beginning and an opening of joy that accompanied us throughout the week by deepening the life of Taizé. We were about 70 in number. They were students, monks, nuns and a couple with their 3 children. We…

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Saint Josephine Bahita and Human Trafficking

February 8 is the feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita, a Sudanese who was kidnapped as a child and sold into slavery. It is the International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking.

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Striking for climate change in Canada – a historical march

On September 27, 2019 in Montreal Canada, thousands of people gathered for a climate strike.

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Amazonian forests – “lungs of the Earth” are in fire, more and more fires are burning across central Africa… We have reached a real climate crisis whose reason is our own irresponsible activity.

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Read about the first international day of street children in Tamale, Ghana; about our commitments for justice and peace in Spain and Canada and the islamo-christian marian day at Our Lady of Africa Basilica in Algeria.

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In Canada, students go on strike for the climate

Canada has responded with conviction to the “Fridays for the Future” movement. Every Friday in different parts of the world people are joining the global movement to walk for the climate.

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As Pope Francis spreads the message of peace through his visit to the United Arab Emirates, read about the commitments of the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa to peace and justice in interfaith dialogue, with migrants and refugees.

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