Category Archives: Modern Slavery

    Sr. Valérie Kaboré on mission in Algeria “While part of the world is condemned to live in the depths of history, while inequalities increase and the economy punishes the weakest, while society is dedicated to the idolatry of money and consumption, the poor and the marginalized often have no choice but to continue to wait (cf. Evangelii Gaudium, n. 54). … It is us whom his grace makes shine; it is our life, imbued with compassion and charity, which must become a sign of the Lord’s presence, always close to the suffering of the poor, to soothe their wounds and transform their destiny.” Link to the PDF   I feel very inspired by this quotation from Pope Francis. He recalled these words recently, on 17 November, during the World Day of the Poor. Several events and celebrations that we have experienced in these days can be linked…

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    From Sr. Mariette Macozi, Kinshasa, DR Congo Since 2001, our Kinshasa community has collaborated with the SVD Fathers (Divine Word) in the mission of supporting children living in the street. This bond was forged thanks to three of our sisters who preceded us in the work of Reclassification and Protection of Street Children (ORPER in acronym).   Sister Anosiata Keneema and I continue the apostolate initiated by our Sisters in this structure which has been in existence for more than 43 years. We are welcomed and fully integrated in this. Arriving in Kinshasa in 2021, I was sent to work at ORPER where I easily integrated into social work serving street children. At the local level, collaboration takes place as a work team where each educator makes their contribution to the success of the mission which we carry out together. The center manager, who is like the eye…

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  The Vigil of St Bakhita in Madrid organized by the Diocesan Commission against Human Trafficking of which Begoña Iñarra is the coordinator, is celebrated every year in a different parish, to create awareness in the different parts of the town about human trafficking. This year it was celebrated in St Cayetano parish, in the heart of the traditional and well-known Rastro (flea market) district of Madrid. There were about 100 people and many people all over Spain and Latin America followed the video in streaming. The members of the Human trafficking commission animated the vigil written by one of the members. The social vicar of Madrid Archdiocese introduced the vigil that was very symbolic. A beautiful image of Ste Bakhita was before the altar. Four people put up five posters with the words “Freedom” “Dignity”, “Caring Paths”, “Inclusion” and “Empowerment”, at St. Bakhita’s feet. All along the prayer, we…

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Sr. Vicky Ciharhula, in Bamako, Mali, tells us about how the Bishops got involved in her work for the environment and against human trafficking. Environment Animation in the Diocese of Sikasso In October 2021, the Justice-Peace-Integrity of Creation – Interreligious Dialogue (JPIC-DI) (a workshop of the Union of Catholic Religious of Mali, of which I am a member) received a request from the diocese of Sikasso to animate two days in the week of the Diocesan Pastoral Days. The theme given by the diocese was: “Laudato Si’: The question of the environment in a pastoral perspective”. On the appointed day we went to the centre where the pastoral agents were gathered. The welcome was very warm and the atmosphere was relaxed. We started by pointing out the theological basis of the environmental issue in the Scriptures and in the social doctrine of the Church. Then “Laudato Si’” received special attention.…

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After working against trafficking in Burkina Faso, Sr. Angela continues in her new community in Nairobi. In 2019 I followed online training on Human Trafficking and Project management organized by Talitha Kum International at the UISG (International Union of Superiors General). This training was an eye opener to the complexity of human trafficking in our society today. The knowledge received empowered me to collaborate with the Good Shepherd Sisters to form a network in Burkina Faso that extended to the surrounding countries who are source, or transit or destination of human trafficking. I was also very much involved in creating an awareness program within the Bobo Archdiocese and the other dioceses in the country. I have also participated in accompanying trafficked persons. The direct contact with this group made me burn with zeal to do what I can to contribute to fight against Human trafficking. The disfigurement of the human…

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“Only to do right and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8) Journeying in dignity “Journeying in dignity” is the theme of the 9th Edition of the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking, celebrated around Feb. 8, 2023. In 2022, we have experienced major changes as well as the aggravation of crises. In this context, the number of both at-risk groups and people suffering from trafficking violence has increased. This can be explained by the exploitation of vulnerabilities caused by instability due to armed conflicts, generalized violence, and climate-environmental and economic crises. Those attempting to flee in hope of safety or employment find themselves at the mercy of inadequate laws to protect migrants and find themselves more easily entangled in the webs woven by traffickers. In addition, traffickers have increased their use of information technology for recruitment and exploitation, luring victims on…

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Life in Ukusijoni

At the end of January, I set off on a new mission among the refugees in the northern part of Uganda, where there is one of the biggest refugee concentrations in the world.     Refugees are prone to be trafficked and exploited because of their precarious situation and their vulnerability, especially children and young women. An effective fight against human trafficking requires some preparation, some knowledge about the realities of human trafficking and skills that can be useful in prevention and advocacy. To be better prepared for this task and to be actively involved in fighting human trafficking among those to whom I am sent, I followed a one-year online course that equipped me with necessary skills.     The course was directed to the leaders of Talitha Kum Network, to enable us to be actively involved and better collaborate with others in the fight against human trafficking. We…

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Tribute to an exceptional woman

The young Lea Ackermann from Völklingen, in Saarland, joined the Congregation of the “Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa” in 1960.

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Our sister Cecylia Bachalska, from the community of Dar-es-Salaam (Tanzania) tells us about her apostolate in the outskirts of the city and of life …

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  MALINDI IS A CITY LOCATED 120 KM FROM MOMBASA (KENYA). With its salt pans, unpaid workers and growing Chinese population, it is booming. Today it has 18 parishes with 38 priests including 14 diocesan, 2 Fidei Donum, 64 Sisters, 22 Religious and 11 seminarians. Located on the Indian Ocean coast, Malindi is heavily affected by human trafficking, a new form of slavery. Also, our primary conviction is that education is an important factor in eradicating this phenomenon, and in supporting victims. Admittedly, microfinance projects already contribute to raising the standard of living of this population, but a global approach is also necessary to achieve this goal. The Catholic Church and the other religions have undertaken to collaborate in this, in particular through the Centre: “Pope Francis Rescue Center”, which already exists in Malindi. THE MOTTO OF THE RESCUE CENTER IS: “TO LOVE AND SERVE”.Officially opened on July 21, 2015,…

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