Category Archives: Education

The running of the school in Gumo needs close collaboration between the principal, the teachers, the children and the parents. In the background, Sr. Margaret Kibola   From Sr. Margaret Kibola, in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso   You have helped us to grow” This powerful statement was cited by our first batch of 2020 Junior High at St. Charles Lwanga Roman Catholic School, expressing their gratitude to all they felt I was to them as pupils in the school. They were under our care for 11 years: 2 years of kindergarten, 6 years of primary and 3 years of Junior High School. This group has successfully finished their Senior High School last year 2023 and are pursuing their tertiary education. I was a missionary in Ghana for 18 years. I taught as a teacher in Sorugu Primary School for 5 years and was headteacher at St. Charles Lwanga for 13 years.…

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    “It is the study of the language that will help you to understand the people with whom you relate. We need to make ourselves similar to them, by adopting their external way of life, their clothes, their food, their nomadic life, their language; by being in a word, all things to all people to win them to Jesus Christ. Eat their food, learn their language and dress like them.” Words of Cardinal Lavigerie the founder of the Missionaries of Africa and the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa.   From our Sister Xaverine Mukatabaza from the Malindi community in Kenya Dear Sisters, Brothers and Friends, Greetings of peace. It is my joy to share with you a bit of the history of Mijikenda tribes found along the coast of Kenya. This is a place of first evangelization. The Muslims are more numerous than Christians. There is also…

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  Safeguarding of minors is a crucial aspect in our apostolates. Earlier this year, Sr. Justine Akampamya obtained a Safeguarding Diploma from the Gregorian University in Rome. The 5 months course gave her an introduction to the many issues in diverse fields which touch on this topic of safeguarding. She also learned how to apply practically the newly gained competencies and drew up an action plan for the cultural background in Chad. Sr. Justine shares on this. I am glad to have had a training on safeguarding of minors. As daughters of Lavigerie, we are passionate about Justice, peace and integrity of creation. Today, my personal analysis integrates the safety of a human being in “the integrity of creation”. We are a unique creation. The children of this universe are to be raised in an integral manner to facilitate their holistic development. As an educator who spends most of  my…

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  Our sister Margaret Kibola from Gumo, Ghana reports from Germany. From 24th August to 7th September, I was invited together with three others from the Holy Cross congregation to visit our partner parish and school in Germany, in the Diocese of Münster. We travelled from Ghana with Turkish Airways and on arrival, discovered that our bags were left in Istanbul. Our hosts communicated with their friends and we had already the first gesture of hospitality by going to a shop to choose what we wanted to wear. It was very touching. Then, my three friends were sent to one family and I was to live in the family of the headmistress of our partner school St. Lambert School. The program was very special as it was to expose us to different realities of parish life, society and school life. We visited many beautiful places and churches. The idea of volunteering is…

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  The community of Nouakchott reports on a joyful occasion: The summer camp From July 10 to 27, Sister Elyse Uwanyirigira and her team organized three weeks of activities for the children of the Maison du Quartier and for those studying in other schools. What is unique to this colony is the number of children enrolled: 78! Other children kept knocking on the door after a week of activities, but the limit was reached: sorry, what to do? The supervisors consulted each other and decided to welcome them anyway, because even if they said “no”, a young girl had already said that she was going to sit next to the others and watch what they were doing instead of going home. Three volunteer supervisors, including a retired doctor and a student from the Lycée Français who came with her friend, showed up to lend a hand. Two people passing through…

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  Clémentine Mukampabuka, of the Oran community, reports on her participation in this year’s summer camp.   The Diocesan Centre Pierre Claverie (CPC) in Oran organized its 16th summer camp in the first half of July. This is a two-week summer camp for children aged 7 to 13.  This year there were 60 children and a dozen animators. The children were divided into two main groups: the lions, aged 11 to 13, and the fennecs (desert foxes), aged 7 to 10. These names symbolize the city of Oran, Wahrân in Arabic, which means two lions, and Algeria’s national animal, the desert fox. The children wore these names with pride. There were 5 workshops: drawing, cooking, crafts, games and dance. Everyone had the opportunity to take part in all the different activities. The first week ended on a high note with an outing to a farm called “My Rose”. Roses, a…

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  Sr Marie Ange, in Nouakchott, Mauritania, joins on a mission to bring trees to schools. Here is her report. On Thursday, 24 November 2022, I woke up when it was still dark to start the four-hour drive to Boghe. I had a cold and was unable to speak, but my heart was full of life. I wanted to finally realise a project developed for almost a year with three young men from the Association Soleil des Enfants: Yahya, Abdoul and Dawda, who were ready with their backpacks. It was cold that morning. Before we left, we made sure that each of us had a bottle of water as the journey was long. One after the other, the three young people said “Bismillah” “In the name of God” and we set off on a beautiful adventure. Along the way, they explained why it is important for them to plant trees.…

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  Sr Monique Bonami, in the community at the MRS St Joseph in Evere, Bruxelles, shares a story about the pleasures of sharing between young and old. Next to the St Joseph’s Rest and Care Home (MRS) in Evere, north of Brussels, there is an elementary school and happily there are good exchanges between the two structures with intergenerational activities (games, etc.). In the past Sr. Mia had done activities in the school on interculturality, and Sr. Marie-Paule Schiltz and I did some tutoring. For Christmas, the guests of the rest home were invited to the school. This year the religion teacher, Mrs. Sylvie Panneels, organized some Eucharists for the children in our chapel, and all the Residents could participate so about 12 MSOLA were there. I had been with the children in the classes for the preparation and also the Father Chaplain adapted well to the children.    …

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Greetings of the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. My name is Marie YEZAKUZWE. I am from Gorero parish, diocese of Nyundo.  I arrived in  Butare community on the 2nd April 2022 in order to start learning English so that I may be able to start the pre- postulancy. Today, I want to share with you my joy of participating in the Youth Forum. It was in the diocese of Butare, in the parish of Kabgayi. The Forum started on the 17th until the 21st August 2022. This forum gathered all the catholic youth of Rwanda from 9 dioceses.  Each diocese was represented and others were following the session through social media. I was touched to see how the Catholic Church cares for the youth. They invited different authorities in the church and in the country in order to share with young people their experience and encourage them to build…

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Although we usually associate November with gloomy moods and grey weather – the home of the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa (the White Sisters) was recently filled with a very different atmosphere. Enjoying the richness and diversity of cultures, generations and nationalities, we experienced a Missionary Saturday! Amidst the autumn darkness, the Sun shone upon us – Christ, who in the Word of God led us through that Saturday morning. We had the opportunity to feed on Sunday’s Gospel and share it in groups. After a short coffee break with cake, we were introduced to basic knowledge of Poland by our guest, Magda. The presentation of the country’s history, geography, culture, cuisine and other interesting facts about the country was concluded by a series of questions from the participants and a short discussion. An important element of the presentation was the demonstration of how the Catholic faith had…

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