Category Archives: Spirituality

    From Sister Gabrielle Lepage, Missionary Sister of Our Lady of Africa   The first sign of Jesus Christ speaks volumes: the wedding feast at Cana. The wedding feast is a symbol of celebration, joy, togetherness and covenant. It is a happy God who gives us the pleasure of existing and being happy. There is a symbolic meaning to this first sign. Jesus goes to a wedding ceremony. The union he consecrates between the man and the woman is the figure of the union that God wanted to establish between Himself and the soul of each human being. In this first sign that Jesus gave, there is happiness, and it’s the same for his first teaching: Blessed are the poor in heart…, Blessed are those persecuted for the sake of justice…, etc.   When we think of the wedding, we think of love, love that is the fire that…

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    From our Sr Zawadi Barungu on mission in Ghardaïa, Algeria   In the majority of our mission posts in Norther part of Africa, the legacy of the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa and the Missionaries of Africa who lived the charism of our founder Cardinal Lavigerie remains alive. In many instances, we discover their footprints and fruits of their dedicated work.   Remembering Sister Renée Guillermin: A Tribute to Her Life and Service It is with great sorrow that we learned the news of the return to the Father of our sister Renée Guillermin, this November 26. We lived with Rénée in Ghardaïa, Algeria. She leaves us with the memory of a sister who was always approachable, generous in her self-giving. Her simplicity and joy remain a treasure for us. Our neighbors remember her. Rénée lived 19 years in Ghardaïa, Algeria. She taught embroidery and sewing…

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    From our sister Redempta Kabahweza, Malindi community, Kenya   On 24 November 2024, the feast of Christ the King, the Community of Malindi joined the Missionaries of Africa in their parish of Tarasaa for the inauguration of the bicentenary of Cardinal Charles Lavigerie. It was a beautiful celebration with Mass celebrated by the Provincial of the EAP Province, Fr. Oswald Mallya. In his homily he highlighted the passion of Cardinal Lavigerie to save Africans from the slave trade. His desire was that the dignity of every human being be respected and protected, especially for Africans sold into slavery, and that is why he founded the two Institutes to spread this Gospel throughout Africa.   He further explained that slavery still exists in another form called modern slavery and Cardinal Lavigerie challenges us to continue the mission of protecting humanity from modern slavery. As the parish also celebrated its…

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    From our sister Xaverine Mukansinga, in the Kodhek community, Kenya At the end of the month dedicated to mission in the Catholic Church, on 31 October 2024, the Missionaries of Africa, the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa and the lay associates of the Lavigerie family gathered at Our Lady of Peace parish in South B, in the Archdiocese of Nairobi, to celebrate the opening of the bicentenary of the birth of Cardinal Charles Martial Allemand Lavigerie. We were able to honour his legacy and give thanks to God for his profound impact on the Catholic Church, humanity and the African continent.   Archbishop Philip Anyolo, Metropolitan Archbishop of Nairobi, was present and presided over the Eucharistic celebration, which was led by the Missionaries of Africa theology student choir. In his homily, the archbishop reminded us that participating in the mission of Jesus is the very definition…

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  From our Sister Eliane Nzoyisaba, in Bunamwaya, Uganda   The celebration took place at Lubaga Cathedral on Thursday 31 October 2024. We were very happy to be with all our sisters who came from Adjumani to celebrate with us. We prepared this celebration in collaboration with the Missionaries of Africa. The day before we had an exhibition (Missionaries of Africa and us Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa) at Lubaga Cathedral. It was interesting to see people coming to ask what event we were having and also to ask about our congregations. The main celebrant was Mgr Lawrence Ssemusu. We had three very important events: – The opening of the bicentenary of the birth of Cardinal Lavigerie. – The celebration of the 125th anniversary of our arrival in Uganda. – The closing of a historical exhibition on the 60th anniversary of the canonisation of the Uganda Martyrs by…

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“Christian hope is a gift from God that fills our lives with joy.” In this last month of the year, and on the threshold of Jubilee 2025, the Pope reminds us how vital it is to cling to hope.     “The world really needs it a lot!” Pope Francis invites us to seek those encounters with Christ that revitalize our being, that encourage us to make a pilgrimage toward hope during the upcoming Jubilee, so that it might be a year to strengthen our faith. In The Pope Video for December, Pope Francis encourages us to fill every nook and cranny with the hope of the Risen Lord and to share that hope with whoever needs it most – for “hope never disappoints.” “Let us pray that this Jubilee strengthen us in our faith, helping us to recognize the Risen Christ in the midst of our lives, transforming us…

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  From our Srs Franceline Hien and Valérie Sibdou Kaboré of Hydra-Parmentier   “Thank you for everything” This word was spoken a few days ago by the little girl, barely 3 years old, of a work colleague. We were returning from a beautiful day spent in the mountains, in the middle of the forest. That evening, while reviewing my day, I was challenged about my capacity to live gratitude in depth. Am I able to say, at the end of each day: “Lord, Thank you for everything”?   At the end of this month of September, I take the risk of saying “Thank you for everything”   Spiritual retreat Thank you for the time of spiritual retreat lived at the monastery of Thibhirine with our brothers the Missionaries of Africa. Led by the brothers and sisters of the Chemin Neuf, it was an intense moment of personal and community prayer…

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Sr. Maria Carmen Ocón Moreno, Sr. Rehema Toiwoki Kimesera, Sr Angela Kapitingana and Sr Maria Julia Alonso Martinez   From Sr. Rehema Toiwoki Kimesera and Sr. Maria Carmen Ocón Moreno   We are delighted to share with you that the official opening of the Ouarzazate community took place on Sunday 14 July. The ceremony took place in the only church that exists, St. Therese which is attached to the sister’s house. The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Cardinal Cristóbal López Romero and, curiously, it was the only time since we have been here that there were no people other than the sisters, in this case our Congregational Leader, Sr Angela Kapitingana and Sr Maria Julia Alonso Martinez representing the NOUA leadership team and ourselves. It was probably a sign of how we are called to live our missionary presence in this place, with discretion and simplicity, but with great…

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“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” John 13:35   By 5 MSOLA temporary professed sisters Sr. Anosiata Keneema in mission in Kinshasa, DRC, Sr. Eliane Nzoyisaba in Bunamwaya, Uganda, Sr. Eunice Kyohairwe in Tikondane, Malawi, Sr. Sylviane Rouamba in mission in Dar-es Salaam, Tanzania and Sr. Xaverine Mukatabaza in Malindi, Kenya   Dear sisters and friends, greetings of peace to all of you. We are glad to share with you our joys, discoveries, insights gained during the session that we had online for three days. Indeed, it was a very rich experience. This session was given by Fr. Joseph Baru, O.C.D. We were more than 100 sisters among whom 5 MSOLA Temporary Professed sisters who actively participated in this session.   The topic was: “The vowed life lived in contemporary society”. As religious, we need to have the…

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