Season of creation in Nouakchott
On the occasion of the Season of Creation 2022, the Muslim-Christian dialogue group of Nouakchott organised a common prayer by the sea on Wednesday 21 September. We sat side by side on the sand, 5 Muslims and 6 Chris-tians, contemplating the immensity of the ocean before us. We were inspired by the suggestions sent by the Sea-son of Creation 2022. During the spontaneous sharing about what was coming up in us, as we contemplated the ocean and the people around us, listening to the birds, we felt confirmed that creation unites us as believers of different traditions. God has given human beings the responsibility to care for all created beings. We experienced the Kingdom of God already here, feeling brothers and sisters, called to care together for creation and to praise God for the air we breathe, for the water that gives life, for the earth that sustains and nourishes…
A Muslim lives the charisme of Lavigerie
A Muslim lives the charism of Lavigerie We share with you a marvel of God’s action, the presence of his Kingdom among us. Yahya Sall, a young Muslim from Mauritania, fights for the rights of undocumented and out-of-school children, as well as planting trees in his neighbourhood, supporting migrants and foreigners, widows and children. Through our sisters in Nouakchott, he has become a reference person in the neighbourhood for those who are voiceless and without support. He himself says that he is now a missionary: “What touches the human being also touches me”. Sensitive to the suffering of others, recognising that he himself is limited, he believes that God is beyond our limits and that with Him everything is possible. When a poor family or a sick mother turns to him, he replies that he personally has no means of helping them; but he promises to tell all the people…
The Tabaski festival in Burkina Faso and Mauritania
Le Tabaski est célébré par les sœurs avec leurs amis musulmans dans les différents pays. Voici deux témoignages. Les SMNDA fêtent le Tabaski à Ouagadougou Comme chaque année, la Commission diocésaine pour le dialogue islamo-chrétien s’est préparée à aller saluer nos frères musulmans le jour de la fête de la Tabaski, 9 juillet. Avec joie, les sœurs Clémence, Agnès, Georgette (de passage), Leticia et les pré-novices, Ancile et Emily se sont jointes à la commission pour les différentes visites. Nous étions très heureux de vivre cette journée de rencontre et de fraternité. J’ai été très touché d’être appelé par mon nom par l’Imam Alidou Ilboudou qui prêchait à l’Université de Ouagadougou. Il me tendit la main pour me saluer et nous remercier de notre présence. Les photographes en ont profité pour nous prendre en photo. Les photos ont commencé à circuler rapidement sur les réseaux sociaux disant qu’une religieuse catholique…
Dialogue in a time of violence
Inter-religious Dialogue is at the core of our MSOLA charism. In these times of inter-religious confrontation, this webinar can trace out for us a way to live, as our Pope Francis invites us to do, as brothers and sisters united in the great human fraternity.
No more walls, no more borders, no more separation
The diocese of Ghardaïa invited Chantal Vankalck to give an Islamology Session. About ten participants from 5 continents arrived from the communities of Ouargla, Touggourt, Hassi Messaoud, and Ghardaïa. Among them were Danielle and Maria Angeles from Ghardaïa community
Among Malian women, in a predominantly Muslim country – missionary testimony of Sr Brigitte Zawadi
Among Malian women, in a predominantly Muslim country – missionary testimony of Sr Brigitte Zawadi
Missionary Month: being with the people in the Land of Islam according to Sr. Madeleine Hanauer
Missionary Month: being with the people in the Land of Islam according to Sr. Madeleine Hanauer
Missionary Month: interreligious dialogue in Burundi according to sr. Nathalie Sedogo
Missionary Month: interreligious dialogue in Burundi according to sr. Nathalie Sedogo
Tunisia: from different cultures and religions, we came together to serve others!
From July 14 to 28, 2019, young Tunisians from the city of Kef welcomed young people from Germany, France and a Burkinabe student in Tunisia with sister Valérie Kaboré (from Algiers) and sister Cécile Dilé (from Marsa) . The goal of this vacation time was to allow all these students from different cultures and religions to serve others together. This project is a result of the presence of the White Sisters at Kef, for nearly 40 years.
Sowing with the Lord – testimony of an associate member
Càrol Garcia Murillo, Spanish, entered the Congregation in 2001. She had to interrupt her formation because of a serious lung disease. In spirit, Càrol never ceased to be part of our religious missionary family and in February 2012 she pronounced her missionary commitment as an associate member of the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa.