An itinerary of formation
The Congregation offers young women who express the desire to become a Missionary Sister of Notre Dame d’Afrique an itinerary of formation. Each stage is at the service of the human and spiritual growth of the person in view of her choice of life.
First discoveries
Thanks to a 9-month pre-postulancy in her own country or in a neighbouring country, the candidate gradually discovers life in a community of the Missionary Sisters of Notre Dame d’Afrique. She also works and takes courses.
The international postulancy
This is a first spiritual stage where the apostolate, initiation into a life of personal and community prayer and teaching are experienced with other young people from different countries. It lasts two years.
The international novitiate
This is the foundational stage of our initial formation to missionary religious life. It lasts 18 months. This time of ‘desert’ and deeper listening to the Spirit enables the novice to discern the call she has heard to follow Christ in our congregation. It leads to a strong attachment to Jesus Christ and his mission.
The first commitment and the sending on mission
At the end of the novitiate, the novice takes her first vows. She is then sent on mission.
The stage of temporary vows
This lasts between 6 and 9 years. It allows the young professed sister to put down roots in our religious and missionary vocation by placing herself at the service of a Church in Africa or elsewhere. At this stage or after the definitive commitment, the congregation will offer her a period of biblical or theological studies.
Final vows
After 6 years of temporary vows, the young professed sisters come together to prepare for their final vows. We call this ‘Juniorate’. Perpetual vows are generally pronounced in the sister’s country of origin. They mark the definitive commitment to the Congregation.