This is the Letter of the General Council on the 154th anniversary of the birth of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Our Lady of Africa.
Rome, 8th September 2023
Ladies! If it’s just us to get started, it’ll be lovely!
Dare to dream of a new creation!
Dear Sisters,
Happy feast day of the birth of our Lady and our Congregation!
From the very beginning our Congregation has been on a journey of transformation within itself and within the Church. Our first heroic Sisters from Brittany, responding to the call of Cardinal Lavigerie, embarked on an adventure of total trust.
Without hesitation, they set out to work together, fearlessly, to make the little emerging congregation a reality. Through joys and sorrows, they braved the hard climate, the insecurity and the illness, strengthened by their inner capacity to make inner space for unconditional love.
In this way, the transforming love of the Risen Christ gave them courage and hope, and their activities gave birth to something new around them.
And for us today what kind of transformation do we want to see where we are?
We are on our way to live the process of the fruits of the chapter theme a reality, a renewed expression of our charism in our own context.
May the fire rekindled within us transmit new energies to our commitments. May we follow the example of our first sisters and work together with one heart to bring our charism to life.
Happy feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary and of the birth of our congregation.
Our Lady of Africa, pray for us!
Your sisters
Angela, Jeanne d’Arc, Leticia, Malgorzata