Category Archives: Past and Present

The participants in the Europe post-capitular chapter in Köln, Germany. Sr. Gosia Popławska of the General Council was present as well as the two leaders; Sr. Jeanne d’Arc Ouattara of the General Council and Sr. Marcelline Nemeyitora, new leader for Europe participated on Zoom.     It was a great joy for all of us, coming from so many different parts of Europe (Spain, Italy, Poland, Germany, England, France) to meet in the beautiful setting of the diocesan centre in Siegburg, just outside of Köln, to experience this special time of the post-capitular chapter. After a good night’s rest, we began the meeting with a time of recollection. We were invited to allow ourselves to be transformed, to rise to new life (Ez 37:1-14: The dry bones) and to trust, even in the midst of the storm by fearlessly facing and accepting our vulnerabilities (Mk 4:35-41: the storm calmed). The…

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The participants in the ECA post-capitular chapter in Kampala, Uganda with the Sisters of the General Council, Sr. Jeanne d’Arc Ouattara and Sr. Gosia Popławska, the general bursar Sr. Marie-Alice Terrattaz and the facilitators, Sr. Selina Wavinya, Sister of Mercy, and Fr. Yago Abeledo M.Afr.   From Sr. Anna Apolinary Massawe, from the chapter venue Our ECA post-capitular chapter took place in Lourdel House in Kampala, Uganda, from 27th October to 2nd November 2023. This event brought together sisters from the different communities and our Entity and Congregation leaders. Encountering one another as sisters of the same family was enriching and life giving. During the opening mass Fr. Richard Nnyombi, M.Afr., reminded us that we were gathered together to look with gratitude into the way we lived our mission in the past years and to look forward into the future with courage. He also said that we might have been…

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  From Sr. Xaverine Mukansinga, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso It is with gratitude that I write this text to share my experience of the post-chapter of the North and West Africa Entity (NOUA) from November 26 to December 3, 2023. I had the chance to participate as a delegate of the sisters of temporary vows. It was a very good experience for me. It was with deep joy and enthusiasm that I began the chapter among my older sisters. We were like sisters animated by a spirit of unity and the joy of meeting one another. A feeling of pride in being a MSOLA increased in my heart. The chapter took place in Ouagadougou in the John Paul II Spiritual Center. All NOUA communities were represented. We were 32 people including two members of the General Council: Sr. Angela Kapitingana and Sr. Leticia Garduño Mejia; the spiritual father of the chapter,…

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  From our Sr. Fides Mbabarepore On February 10, the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of Ouagadougou celebrated their jubilee of 100 years of existence in the cathedral of Ouagadougou. This celebration closed several activities that the SICOs had carried out over 3 years of preparations and especially during the entire week preceding this wonderful celebration. The SICO, the first indigenous religious congregation in Burkina Faso, founded in 1924 by Monsignor Joanny Thévenoud (M. Afr-White Father) and formed by the MSOLA-White Sisters, including Sr. Delphine Aubazac who today is considered by SICO as co-founder of their institute. As Lavigérie’s family, we are proud to see the growth of this congregation which sends its members to Burkina Faso and to 6 other African countries: Algeria, Benin, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, and Togo and to 2 European countries (Italy and France). This was repeated several times by the Superior General, Mother Pauline…

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      “YOU LEFT YOUR HOME AND YOU ARRIVE AT YOUR HOME” “E bora e kaso, e nana e kaso” Bambara Proverb from Mali On October 30 and 31, 2023, the community of Sceaux had the great joy of welcoming 7 delegates from 6 sister congregations that we had helped with formation from their origin. Responding to the call of the bishops of France, they live the mission in 19 communities.   We let them speak. “Our presence here, today, at your home and with you, is a very important moment. We want to show our gratitude to you for everything you have done, and continue to do, for our different congregations. Allow me now to introduce our “Fraternity of Our Lady of Africa”. It has just been born. It was April 27, 2023. Its objective is to create a space for fraternal and spiritual meetings of our different…

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  From our sister, Gratienne Ndizeye It is with a heart full of gratitude that we come to share with you a quick word about the post-capitular Chapter which took place from October 13 to 20, 2023, at Carrefour Providence in Montreal. The first surprise and novelty was the invitation to all the sisters who wanted and could participate. So, we were 25 sisters and Ms. Mélanie our coordinator. The chapter was led by Sr. Micheline Trembley, a Holy Cross Sister. We were accompanied in prayer by all our sisters who first took part in the preparation through sharing their reflection on the 2023 Capitular Acts. The hall in the house of Cartierville had been arranged to welcome the chapter participants. The Sisters formed small communities of disciples at round tables.   The second surprise was the joy of welcoming freshness from the General  Council who accompanied us throughout the…

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    Launching of the pastoral year 2023-2024 and solemn opening of the Cause of Beatification of Cardinal Paul ZOUNGRANA   Pastoral agent in communion with the Christian family, be a witness of Christ This is the theme of this pastoral year 2023-2024. It was launched on Wednesday, September 27, 2023, at Ouagadougou Cathedral during the mass presided over by His Eminence Cardinal Philippe OUEDRAOGO, Metropolitan Archbishop of Ouagadougou (who has just been relieved from his service as archbishop). During this celebration there was the solemn opening of the cause for the beatification of Cardinal Paul ZOUNGRANA, one of the first three Burkinabé priests. As part of the march towards the 125th anniversary of evangelization in Burkina Faso (1900-2025), the Church family of Burkina invites each Christian to engage in the Church according to their particular vocation. For the smooth running of this jubilee, we began with the year of…

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  From Fr. Dave Sullivan M.Afr., spiritual companion at the MSOLA chapter On one of the first days of the chapter I spoke in a homily about my first experience of going to a dance where boys and girls danced together. At that time I had no experience of dancing. The girls that I danced with taught me that in order to dance it is necessary to listen to the rhythm of the music and then to move to that rhythm. This lesson is true not only on dancing but also of all aspects of life. We are to listen to the rhythm that God is playing in our lives and then we are to dance to that tune. During the first days of the MSOLA chapter I had the impression that God was playing a different tune in my life. It was a more “feminine” tune, a tune that…

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  Sharing from Sr. Magdalena Orczykowska The event of the General Chapter was for me an experience of deep listening on all levels, an experience of contemplative listening in which all the voices counted, were heard and welcomed. Myself, as a temporary professed sister, I felt welcomed, loved and free to share, despite my little experience of the life of the Congregation. I recognized the presence of God among us and I was deeply touched by the participants’ openness, availability and docility to the Holy Spirit who thus was allowed to guide us, together, in this transforming journey. It was for me a time in which God helped us to look closely at our weaknesses and vulnerability, but with God’s own eyes that do not condemn but love unconditionally and accept. Far from being discouraged by the wounds we carry as congregation, my love for our religious family increased and was…

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  This year, the Immaculate Conception Sisters of Ouagadougou (SICO) celebrated their hundred-year jubilee. With joy, Sr. Furaha Kamanyula Jeannette shares with us her experience of the colloquium, held from February 8 to 11, during these celebrations in Ouagadougou. I was amazed and edified by the way the colloquium was organized; the SICO sisters really took time to prepare for this event. Already in October, I received a phone call from Sister Pascaline, SIC whom I did not know. To my great surprise, she sent me a message from Mother Pauline, the mother general, who asked for a service. Astonished and surprised I asked her what this service was. She answered me that it was a question of preparing a conference on the occasion of their jubilee of 100 years of foundation. I then asked Sister Pascaline many questions, telling her that I was in Bobo-Dioulasso in the novitiate, and…

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