Tag Archives: White Sisters

    From Sister Gabrielle Lepage, Missionary Sister of Our Lady of Africa   The first sign of Jesus Christ speaks volumes: the wedding feast at Cana. The wedding feast is a symbol of celebration, joy, togetherness and covenant. It is a happy God who gives us the pleasure of existing and being happy. There is a symbolic meaning to this first sign. Jesus goes to a wedding ceremony. The union he consecrates between the man and the woman is the figure of the union that God wanted to establish between Himself and the soul of each human being. In this first sign that Jesus gave, there is happiness, and it’s the same for his first teaching: Blessed are the poor in heart…, Blessed are those persecuted for the sake of justice…, etc.   When we think of the wedding, we think of love, love that is the fire that…

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    Posted by the Kadutu Community, DRC   The Lavigerie family of Kadutu met on August 4, 2024 at the home of the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa in Kadutu. Let’s start with a little history to understand who this group is. Since the celebration of the centenary of the death of Cardinal Lavigerie, a group of lay people have been touched by the vision of our founder, his actions, his charism, the ‘all to all’, his anti-slavery struggle to restore dignity to Africans, his love for Africa, his charity (Caritas, the Pelican) and his call to be apostles. All this was passed on to his missionaries to evangelise Africa. This group, called ‘Laïcs Missionnaires Lavigeriens’, was led by our sister Marie-Claude Berrod. The members met in the sisters’ community and were recognised by the diocese. They made their promise to the Church at a Mass celebrated…

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