Tag Archives: 2017 General Chapter

22 07 allumettes

22th July: The Closing of the 2017 General Chapter.   Sr Franceline Hien et Sr Marie-Ange Ndayishimiye ont présenté une saynète : une allumette et une bougie ne peuvent remplir leur mission qu’en se mettant ensemble. L’allumette allume la bougie et les deux donnent lumière en se consumant.       The Eucharist:     21th July: This morning’s hymn was: : “Great things happen when God mixes with us”. The capitulants study the draft of the final document…   20 th July: The peripheries were the theme of Morning Prayer. The paper hearts were collected in a basket. On them the Sisters had written a periphery to which they felt called today. Each one picked a heart and carried that periphery with the other.     19th July: ‘Go, I am sending you out!’ The road is traced before us. Each one fixes the paper with the call that…

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13th July 2017: We announce to you with joy the election of Carmen Sammut as Superior General ! 15th July: Election of three assistants The new General Council: Sr Carmen Sammut, MaltaSr. Juliana Karomba, TanzaniaSr. Mapendo Masirika Annonciata, D.R. CongoSr. Maria del Carmen Ocón Moreno, Spain

12 Chapel election 4

15 July : A new General Council : The new General Council: Sr Juliana Karomba, Tanzania Sr Carmen Sammut, Malte,Superior General Sr Mapendo Masirika Annonciata, D.R.. Congo Sr Maria del Carmen Ocón Moreno, Spain 13th July: Sr Carmen Sammut, elected for a second mandate, as Superior General. We give thanks to God ! Let us pray for her ! Sr Carmen Sammut’s homily – April 30, 2016 Sr Carmen Sammut, Synod on the Family, week 3 Sr Carmen Sammut, Synod on the Family, week 2 Interview with Sr Carmen Sammut Sister Carmen Sammut, Synod on the Family URGENT appeal for the EARTH of Sister Carmen Sammut 12th July: Prepared for a day of election:   The decoration in the Chapel with Our Lady of Africa and Mother Marie Salome. Let us pray with Our Lady of Africa and with All the Saints of Africa   11th July : The Source…

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07 07 1

7th July:   Pictures: Sr. Franceline Hien drumming Dance from Burundi Dance from Ghana Thanking Ms Marina van Dalen Canada « Aaalouette, je te plumerai » Singing the Refrain : « Aaalouette, je te plumerai » Example of a ‘wordle’ with the hymn “Si le Pere vous appelle” Cardinal Peter Turkson (his text was quoted during morning prayer) 6th July: ‘The peripheries’ was the topic chosen for the prayer with a text from Sr Mary Sujita SND, The context of our mission today– the peripheries of our globalized world. The linguistic groups: 4th July: Mark 6, 30-43 (look at pictures) Report of Sr Daphne Alphonso,the Treasurer General and assorted sharing : Sisters in Temporary Vows, Sr Franceline Hien and Sr Marie-Ange Ndayishimiye. Madame Marina van Dalen, Coordinator of the Netherlands. Video Message from Càrol Garcia Murillo, MSOLA associate member. Sr. Elisabeth Biela and Sr. Valérie Kaboré presented the work of…

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afrique batik

        Message of His Eminence Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples to the Participants of the XXV° General Chapter of the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa (Jul 1-13, 2017)           To the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa gathered for the XXV° General Chapter – Rome   I am most happy to warmly greet you Mother Carmela Sammut, Superior General, and all of the Sisters participating in your XXV° General Chapter, which is a particularly graced moment in the life of your religious community. General Chapters gather Sisters from many different countries and diverse cultures to listen and to share with one another, attentive to the voice of the Spirit that brings to life the memory of your Founders. In this context you are called to confront with all of the richness and diversity…

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conseil general Missionnaires dAfrique