No more walls, no more borders, no more separation
The diocese of Ghardaïa invited Chantal Vankalck to give an Islamology Session. About ten participants from 5 continents arrived from the communities of Ouargla, Touggourt, Hassi Messaoud, and Ghardaïa. Among them were Danielle and Maria Angeles from Ghardaïa community
We weren’t alone during the quarantine
The Hydra community in Algeria share their experience in the shadow of the Coronavirus, following the themes of our last chapter: “Bearers of hope listening to the voice of the Spirit, moving forward together towards the peripheries”
Newsletter JPIC ED April 2020
The unity of differences. This month we have stories of ecumencial and interreligious meetings. We also touch other aspects of our charism: the fight against trafficking and the care for the environment.
Talitha Kum comes of age in Burkina
“We realize that we are all living with victims or people vulnerable to trafficking and the question was: How best can each one play her/his role to save our brothers and sisters through words and deeds?” Sr. Angela Kapitingana
Bringing Polish children to love Africa
In 2019, in the celebrations for the 150 years jubilee of our congregations, the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa – White Sisters and the Missionaries of Africa – White Fathers, we organised an exhibition at the Youth Cultural Center in Lublin, Poland.
How best would I please God? – A missionary witness
How best would I please God? – A missionary witness
Sister Celina Natanek is a Missionary Sister of Our Lady of Africa who comes from Poland. For a few years she has been working in Mauritania, in Western Africa. She shares with us about her vocation and her missionary work among the Mauritanians.
Missionary Month: the beauty of Malian women according to Sr. Marie Vincente Brouca
Missionary Month: the beauty of Malian women according to Sr. Marie Vincente Brouca As part of the Extraordinary Missionary Month we invite you to discover missionary witnesses. Sister Marie Vincente Brouca is French and worked as a missionary in Mali. She tells us about the beauty of Malian women and missionaries-initiators.